Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Top 10

My Top 10 Rules

  1. Believe in yourself- It is important to have confidence and believe that you can do anything.                                                          
  2. Always strive to be better- There is no limit always push yourself to be better.                                                                       
  3. Work hard- You have to work hard to reach your goals.                     
  4. Don't be scared of failure- You will fail at times but don't let it discourage you.                                                                                 
  5. Stay humble- Humility is an important characteristic to have and it helps you stay grounded.                                                           
  6. Be productive with your time- Don't waste your time , time is valuable.                                                                                             
  7. Be yourself- Stay true to yourself and don't be afraid to express yourself.                                                                                          
  8. Be a leader- Be a leader, be the example to other people and show them what it takes to succeed.                                               
  9. Don't let others bring you down- People will always have something to say. Don't let them stop you.                                          
  10. Always smile- Be happy it's important to find joy in everything you do.

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation

                     What I liked about the class that it was really positive. It always motivated me because I want to strive to be better. I learned so many valuable lessons from this class and it provided great advice that is what I liked most about the class.

                      I liked everything about the class. I enjoyed everything and my experience here so I do not have any complaints.

                      Some things i recommend for improving the class is that to provide more ways to help you learn computer programming and make it easier too.

                       The highlight for me in the class is getting to share out my ideas. I also enjoyed learning how to code on the computer.

                        I think I did do my best because I learned so many lessons that will stick with me after high school and that shows that i really took the time to learn about the lessons and how I can apply them now and in the future.  

                       I am reading my life planning goals I read them everyday because seeing my goals is what motivates me to go out there and actually accomplish them

                       I am committed to being a CTR person because I have learned that it helps you reach your goals and to where you want to be in the future.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Top 10 rules for success

Top 10 Rules for Success by Steph Curry

Image result for steph curry

  1. Visualize your goals
  2. Be the hardest working person
  3. Stay confident
  4. Do it your way
  5. Be creative
  6. Stay in the moment
  7. Better yourself everyday
  8. Have an upbeat personality
  9. Be the best version of yourself
  10. Actions speak louder than words


               The rules show you how you can improve on yourself so you can strive to be the best. I plan to use these rules on the soccer field. I want to be the best soccer player I can be. The ten rules are important because it also shows you how hard you need to work and how much you have to outwork the other person if you want to be the best. By applying these rules in your life you are showing that you want to strive for better.

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Top 10 rules for success by Cristiano Ronaldo

  1. Just play
  2. Be competitive
  3. Always take on new challenges
  4. know your priorities
  5. People will judge you
  6. Work hard
  7. believe you are the best
  8. Play for the team
  9. Enjoy the moments
  10. have a sense of humor


                  The rules of success show the competitive edge that is needed to succeed. It allows you to just bring the best out of yourself. The rules help you strive for better and also shows to not worry what other people say because they will always judge. It is important to stay true to yourself as well and be the person you know you can be. Never sell yourself short always believe that you can be the best.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Image result for 10 seeds of greatness

The seed of Self-Esteem ( Appreciate the value of yourself ) 
"From self-love to self-worth"

            The 1st seed is self esteem.Self esteem is important because it helps with confidence. The quote, "From self-love to self-worth" is important because it shows the importance of having a good self esteem. Without it you would not have the same confidence and would be constantly doubting yourself. That is why it's important to have a good self esteem because it allows you to believe in yourself and that is important if you want to be successful and achieve your goals in life. 

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The seed of Creativity
" Releasing your creative energy"

            The 2nd seed is creativity. Creativity is important because it is a way to express the person that you are. It is important to express yourself because it shows and represents you. The quote, " Releasing your creative energy" shows that we should always try and represent ourselves. Without creativity it would be boring because everything would be so colorless where everything is the same. Creativity is important because it is a way to show who you are and how you want other people to see you as.

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The seed of Responsibility
" Whatever we sow, we reap."

            The 3rd seed is responsibility. Responsibility is important because you have to be a responsible person in order to succeed. It also shows that you are able to own up to your mistakes. The quote, " whatever we sow, we reap " shows us that whatever we do we should be able to take responsibility for our actions. This is an important seed of greatness because it also helps you build character and you want to be a person who can be a role model for others and show why it is important to be all these things.

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The seed of Wisdom
" A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their own occupations."

             The 4th seed is wisdom. Wisdom is important because it is important to know about things. The quote ," A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their own occupations." shows the importance of having wisdom and the experience from it. Without wisdom you'd be lost and wouldn't be able to help people that may seek your guidance. 

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The seed of Communication
" Reach out and touch someone"

              The 6th seed is communication. Communication is important because it allows you to connect with people and talk to them. The quote " Reach out and touch someone" shows that you should try and communicate with other people. This is an important seed because it allows you reach out to people and show them how they can be successful and teaching them about the seeds so they can reach for greatness as well.

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The seed of Faith
" The power of positive believing"

              The 7th seed is faith. Faith is important because you have to believe and be confident in yourself. The quote, " The power of positive believing" is important because it shows the important to believe in yourself and have high hopes that good things are to come. If you maintain a positive attitude you'll see and understand the meaning of positive believing. This is an important seed because it is what helps you keep believing yourself and helps you look ahead.

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The seed of Perseverance
"The will to win is everything "

             The 9th seed is perseverance. Perseverance is important because it is what drives you and what motivates you to not give up. The quote, "The will to win is everything" shows that you have to show that you want to strive to be the best. This is an important seed because it is what motivates you and allows you to keep pushing even when you are going through things.

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The seed of perspective
"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."

              The 10th seed is perspective. Perspective is important because it is your attitude towards something. the quote, "Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude." shows that it is important to have a positive attitude. Perspective is really important when trying to achieve something because it is important to have a positive attitude to everything you do. That is why this is an important seed because you always have to keep in mind that the way you feel about things is really important.

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            The seeds of greatness provide great advice on what you can do to strive for better. It gives good advice and how you work on yourself to be better. I will apply these seeds in my life by constantly reminding myself on what I have to do to strive for better.



Thursday, April 27, 2017

ten tips

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful

Barbara A. Lewis

Wife, mother, religious worker, national award-winning author and educator  

The Ten Tips

  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
  10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.


The ten tips can benefit you because you learn how to become a more truthful person. You can apply these tips to your everyday life by just committing yourself to actually attempt to apply them. The ten tips are important to live because because it helps you be a better person overall.I will try and incorporate these tips into my life by just committing myself to actually do these things. I have to constantly remind myself by reading these tips daily.

Monday, April 17, 2017

School Break Days

 School Break Days

During the break I went out a few times with my friends and family. I went to Six Flags with my friends and I also had soccer games throughout the week with my new team. We started off okay during our preseason games ,but unfortunately we lost our very first season game on the past weekend. I also spent most of the time watching soccer games and watching my favorite soccer team Bayern Munich compete in one of the biggest tournaments in the world which is known as the UEFA Champions league. I also met YG.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


class in medical school started to cheat ,but a person stood up for what was right and warned the class if whoever cheated would be turned in. In the other scenario there was two girls and one of them asked if she wanted to cheat .but the other girl showed honesty and decided not to. In both scenes it showed a good example of honesty and for standing up for what's right. It also showed to not be afraid to speak up for what is right.f

Friday, February 3, 2017

Internet Society

Internet Society

The internet society's mission is to promote the open development and the use of internet around the world. To reach their mission they have established multiple facilities so they can help the educational use of internet. They hope that everyone around the world will have access to the internet. They believe their mission is important because throughout the years we have seen the internet innovate and see how far its come today. It has helped us reach new technological advances and has helped make the world a better place. They believe that everyone should have access to it since it has been so beneficial it can be beneficial to all.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pyramid of Success

Image result for Pyramid of Success

John Wooden

Block 1: Industriousness

"In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard Work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."

                                      For the first block to the Pyramid of Success we have industriousness. To be industriousness means to be a hard working person who is always active or occupied. It is an important block because everyone who is successful had to go through this to be where they are. Hard working people are successful because they do what it takes to get there and are always pursuing after their goals. The quote, "In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success." explains to us that industriousness is simple and that you have to be willing to put the effort in. This is an important step to success because you can't be lazy you have to be willing to put in the time and effort to achieve your goals and get far.

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Block 2: Enthusiasm

"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my pyramid of success. It is where everything begins."

                                     The second block is enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is important because it allows you to find joy in the things you are doing. The quote, "It is the engine that powers all blocks of the pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my pyramid of success. It is where everything begins." tells us that enthusiasm is the foundation for the Pyramid of Success. It allows you to become joyous and it is important to find some sort of happiness within everything you do.

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Block 3: Friendship

" Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

                                      The third block is friendship. Friendship is important because it shows character for example, it shows that you have devotion. The quote, "Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort." explains that you shouldn't take friendship for granted. It's important because developing friendship can also help you in the long run because you have people you can trust and that will support you no matter what. They will always try to push you to be better and that's why friendship is important.

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Block 4: Loyalty

"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."

                                       The fourth block is loyalty. Loyalty is important because it shows that you are trustworthy person. You show that people can rely on you and it's an important characteristic to have. The quote, "To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect." shows that loyalty is important because you have to show that you are a reliable person. This is an important part to the pyramid of success because not only does it show good character but it also helps you in the long run by being a dependable person.

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Block 5: Cooperation

"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way."

                                        The fifth block is cooperation. Cooperation is important because it shows that you are able to work well with others. The quote," With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way." tells us that we should be able to cooperate with others and respect others ideas because they won't always agree with you. Cooperation is an important block because it shows that you are well mannered and that you are disciplined witch shows that you can work well with anyone.

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Block 6: Ambition

For noble goals

                                        The sixth block is ambition. Ambition is important because it's what drives you. Without ambition you won't strive to reach any of your goals because you don't have the motivation. This is an important block for the pyramid of success because without ambition you don't have anything to strive for and you will sell yourself short. It is always important to have motivation because it's what helps you be ambitious. You always want to be a better version of yourself so you are able to succeed and having ambition is a major step because it's what helps you reach your goals and helps you get far in life.

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Block 7: Self-Control

"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

                                         The seventh block is self-control. Self-Control is important because it's important to be disciplined and being to manage yourself in a respectful way. The quote,"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential." tells us that it's important to be able to keep your emotions under control. This is essential because it shows how you present yourself to other people and you don't ever wan't to give off a bad first impression. That is why it is essential to have self-control so you show how respectful you are and that you are well disciplined. 

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Block 8: Alertness

"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

                                             The eighth block is alertness. Alertness is important because it shows that you are open minded. The quote, "Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve." shows that alertness can help you learn and improve. Without it you wouldn't be an open-minded person and that's important because having an open-mind allows you to connect with other people and understand from where they come from. Alertness is a very important block to the pyramid of success because it allows you to grow as a person.

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Block 9: Initiative

"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

                                              The ninth block is initiative. To take initiative shows that you are a independent person who doesn't need to rely on anyone else because you take matters into your own hands. The quote, "Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it." shows that you should be able to rely on yourself and not be afraid of risks because you can learn from the failures in life. This is important to the pyramid of success because it shows that you are ready to take matters into your own hands and just go for it to reach the goals that you have.

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Block 10: Intentness

"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate in its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent."

Block 11: Sincerity

Keeps friends

                                               The eleventh block is sincerity. Sincerity is important because it shows how much of a genuine person you are. It shows that you stray away from hypocrisy and that you are a honest person. This block is important to the pyramid of success because it shows that you intent to stay true to yourself and that's important when trying to follow all the necessary steps in the pyramid of success. It's important to be a sincere person because you are showing other people an example of what it's like to be a true honest person,  

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Block 12: Adaptability

To any situation

                                               The twelfth block is adaptability. Adaptability is important because it shows how you can adapt in every situation. Being adaptable is a good quality to have because it helps you with any situation you are in and helps you get around it. This is important to the pyramid of success because it helps you as an overall person. It also shows that you are an assertive person because you aren't afraid to take on a challenge that is why it's important to have adaptability. This will help you get through any situation.

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Block 13: Condition

"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."

                                                 The thirteenth block is condition. Condition is important because it shows that you are a healthy person whether it's mentally or physically. The quote, "Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, Exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practices. Dissipation must be eliminated." shows us that it's important to have condition. It is an important block to the pyramid of success because it shows that you are both mentally and physically healthy and that always goes along way. By having condition you show that you have a better lifestyle and you are more prepared than others.

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Block 14: Skill

"A knowledge of the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

                                                The fourteenth block is skill. Skill is important because it is useful to have the ability to do something really well. It can also show how much of an asset you can be because you show mastery of a particular type of skill. The quote, "A knowledge of the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail." shows that having skill is important because you are able to display what you are good at. This is an important block to the pyramid of success because it allows you to display what you are good at.

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Block 15: Team Spirit

"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

                                                  The fifteenth block is team spirit. Having team spirit is important because you show that are able to help other people out of the goodness in your heart. The quote," A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all." shows that it's important to not be selfish and consider other people's needs. This is an important block to the pyramid of success because it shows that you aren't a selfish person and that you care for other people and are willing to help them out in anytime in need. 

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Block 16: Honesty

In thought and action

                                                   The sixteenth block is honesty. Honesty is important because it shows the type of person you are. You want to be true to yourself and others. This is an important block to the pyramid of success because it allows to grow as a person. Without honesty there would be a lot of corruption so it is always important to stay true to others and yourself. It also shows a level of high maturity because you show that you can take responsibilities for your actions. This is why it's an important block because it also shows that you are in a mentally healthy state in where you don't feel the need to lie ,but to take responsibility in yourself.

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Block 17: Resourcefulness

proper judgement

                                                     The seventeenth block is Resourcefulness. Resourcefulness is important because it allows you to come up with ideas to help you overcome challenges. This is important for when you are dealing with certain problems because it allows you to get through them and work things out. This is an important block to the pyramid of success because without resourcefulness you wouldn't be able to figure out problems. It also shows that you are able to show composure and that you don't shy away from any challenges that is why it's important for you to be resourceful.

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Block 18: Poise 

"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation." Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.

                                                      The eighteenth block is poise. Poise is important because it shows that you are genuine person. It allows you to express yourself and remain comfortable in any situations. The quote, "Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation." Graceful and elegant bearing in a person shows us that you are in control and that you aren't afraid to express yourself. It shows confidence and that you are proud to be the person you are and that is important block in the pyramid of success. It also shows that you are able to maintain composure in any certain situation. Poise also shows a level of maturity. 

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Block 19: Confidence

"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."

                                                        The nineteenth block is confidence, Confidence is important because you show that you aren't afraid and that you have faith in yourself. In the quote, "Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective." shows us what confidence is able to do for someone and how you can gain confidence. It's an important block to the pyramid of success because confidence allows you to believe in yourself and that is important if you are trying to become successful even though you might fail at times it allows you to comeback stronger than ever.

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Block 20: Reliability

Creates respect

                                                         The twentieth block is reliability. Reliability is  important because it shows that you a trustworthy person and that people are able to put their trust in you. It shows that you are a responsible person and it shows how reliable you can be to other people. This is an important trait to have because it shows the type of person that you are. It is also an important block to the pyramid of success because people have to be responsible enough to be reliable and that is why it is important to gave reliability. It also helps you gain respect from other people.

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Block 21: Fight

Determined effort

                                                            To have fight in you is important because you won't back down from a challenge. It is important because you are determined and it shows that you are willing to do what it takes to become successful. This is an important block to the pyramid of success because in order to be successful you need to want it enough in where you will give it your all to reach where you want to get to. You have to be willing to put in the effort to be able to succeed and that is why it is important to have fight in you.

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Block 22: Competitive Greatness

" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge." 

                                                               Competitive greatness is important because it helps you strive to be the best. The quote, " Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge." shows us what is like to have competitive greatness. It is an important block to the pyramid of success because it allows you to always do your best and that is how it should be for everything. You always want to give it your all in everything you do to reach your full potential. This is why is is important to have Competitive greatness.

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Block 23: Integrity

Purity of intention

                                                              The 23rd block is Integrity. Integrity is important because it shows that you are an honest person and that you have morals. Integrity shows that you are a responsible person and that you always stay true to yourself and that is what helps you succeed. It is an important block to the pyramid of success because it allows you to take action in good will and it helps you grow as a person. Without integrity you wouldn't be honest  and you would really stand up for what you think is right. It is important to always be honest with yourself because you will see how much you have really grown.

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Block 24: Faith

Believe and achieve

                                                                 The 24th block is faith. Faith is important to have because it's what helps you believe in yourself. Without faith you don't have anything to look forward too. It helps you to believe and achieve. It is an important block to the pyramid of success because it helps you believe and that is important when you are aiming high and trying to reach for your goals.

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Block 25: Patience

Good things take time

                                                              The 25th block is patience. Patience is important because it shows good character. It is an important block to the pyramid of success because it helps you get through things. For example not all good things will come at once ,but with patience you will able to achieve those things and have an understanding that things will take time ,but will be worth it in the end. It also helps you stay calm and not get discouraged when things might not go your way.

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The building blocks can benefit you because it helps you to strive to be a better person. It also gives you advise on how you can become better. I am trying to apply all the blocks into my life because I know it will help me succeed. They have made a big difference because now I am more motivated to go out and achieve my goals. I will incorporate the other blocks into my life planning plans by constantly reminding myself what I need to do. I will teach the Pyramid of Success to other people by showing them how it has impacted me.